Passenger Information Form

All passengers will be sent a copy of the Spirit of Freedom Passenger Information Form to confirm their booking. All passengers are required to complete this form prior to departure. Download a copy below. 

For help, please contact our support team. 

Ribbon Reef Diver Safety

  • Suitable for snorkellers and competent divers with a good level of physical fitness.
  • Guests must be a minium of 16 years of age at the time of departure.
  • Guests over the age of 65 are required to supply a valid dive medical. 
  • Diver experience recommendation: Open Water certification with minimum 10 ocean dives, including 5 dives in the last 12 months.
  • Buddy teams are responsible for planning and conducting their own dives as we do not offer a full guided dive service. For guided dives we recommend a Great Barrier Reef Day Trip.
  • Ocean diving is a fun but strenuous activity - reduced physical fitness or limited scuba diving experience may limit your ability to participate fully. Safety is our number one priority. If in doubt, we recommend a Scuba Diver Refresher course prior to your trip.
  • Diver Health: If you are over 65 years of age, have a medical condition or are currently taking prescription medication, you will need medical clearance before starting a liveaboard dive trip. Please contact us for guidance. 

Ribbon Reefs + Coral Sea Diver Safety

  • Only the Ribbon Reefs portion of this trip is suitable for snorkellers.
  • Diver experience recommendation: Advanced Diver certification with a minimum of 20 ocean dives, including 5 dives in the last 12 months.
  • Guests must be 16 years of age or over at the date of departure.
  • Buddy teams are responsible for planning and conducting their own dives as we do not offer a full guided dive service. For guided dives, we recommend a Great Barrier Reef Day Trip.
  • Ocean diving is a fun but strenuous activity - reduced physical fitness or limited scuba diving experience may limit your ability to participate fully. Safety is our number one priority. If in doubt, we recommend a Scuba Diver Refresher course prior to your trip.
  • Diver Health: If you have a medical condition or are currently taking prescription medication, you will need medical clearance before joining a dive liveaboard trip. Please contact us for guidance.